Allikas: Visit Haapsalu, Silver Raidla
Harju, Rapla and Läänemaa DMO (Destination Management Organization) is a cooperative network of cooperation created for the strategic management, development and marketing of tourism destinations. In cooperation with other stakeholders in the region’s tourism sector, DMO plans, coordinates and implements destination development and marketing activities and contributes to the creation of a supportive environment. The national goal of DMOs is to ensure that tourism destinations are strategically managed and that substantial cooperation exists between the various parties in Estonia's tourism sector.
The DMO is formed by the SA RAEK, SA Läänemaa, Harjumaa Omavalituste Liit (Harju County Municipalities Union), Raplamaa Omavalitsuste Liit (Rapla County Municipalities Union) and the lead partner SA Harju Ettevõtlus- ja Arenduskeskus (SA Harju Entrepreneurship and Development Center).
The goal of Harju, Rapla, Läänemaa DMO is to contribute to the development of services of regional tourism entrepreneurs, mutual cooperation and increased visibility, so that visitors know about and want to consume tourism products. Our target groups are local municipalities in the region (except Tallinn), LEADER action groups, associations of tourism entrepreneurs, tourism entrepreneurs and other organizations and people contributing to the tourism environment.
As a result of cooperation between partner organizations and target groups, we help increase the region’s tourism revenue and international competitiveness. We aim to offer comprehensive solutions and have an overview of the tourism region by bringing together the best competence in the region.
The Resources needed for DMO activities come from national funding and own contribution. The region’s development activities are co-financed by the EISA (Estonian Business and Innovation Agency). The DMO also participates in several cross-border and international projects.
We value the network's cooperation and mutual communication. In order for good ideas to fly and useful information to flow, we consider it important to gather input from active tourism companies, communities and members of the network of smaller regions. We are here if you want to share.
Find the contacts below.Highlighting strong tourism products, events, visitor objects in the region in Visit Estonia i.e. national level marketing activities (foreign market campaigns, FAM and press trips etc.).
Representation of the region at Visit Estonia contact events
Promoting the use of sustainability-related labels in the region
Representing the region in best possible way in nationwide cooperation
DMO lead
Development and communication in Harju county
Digital marketing in Harju county (business tourism in DMO)
Tourism development in Lääne county (cultural tourism, nature tourism, sustainability in DMO)
Digital marketing in Laane county
Development and digital marketing in Rapla county (food tourism in DMO)
Development and marketing in Rapla county (hospidality and accessibility in DMO)
Sirge 2, Tallinn 10618
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